Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sharing The Love

I have received so many wonderful emails lately from yoga students about their experiences with yoga, that I felt I had to share some of them with you. I have also received a lot of love and appreciation in these testimonials and I wanted to send it right back out to my students. I try to let you all know on a regular basis that I feel you teach me as much as I teach you. You help center and guide me just as much, and your dedication and attendance in my classes has brought me so much  perspective and joy. My gratitude to all of you is abundant, and I hope we can continue to help each other along our path for a while to come. Without further ado, here is how yoga has influenced the lives of some people I teach:

"I have to say I have really enjoyed yoga! The mind body connection is fantastic. It is feeling good to get my body a little more flexible after all the spinal taps and chemo treatments. I'm noticing the neuropathy from nerve damage from chemo treatments on the bottom of my feet is getting less intense. Seems like yoga is helping me recover and getting back to normal.Thanks for your help."

"Thanks so much for class today, I really needed it.  When I'm practicing yoga I forget about feeling hungry, exhausted, bloated and lacking in good digestion, slightly queasy, fat, hampered by painful boobs, and distracted by a wandering mind.  In yoga I feel light, long, lean, strong, beautiful, and like my body is serving a higher purpose.  I love it."

"I read a quote today that I wanted to share with you... because it says perfectly how I feel after one of your classes.
"In play, it is as though he were a foot taller than himself" Lev Senenovich Vygotsky. You always support our yoga practice with a sense of play and letting us know that its ok to be where we are as individuals without judgement.. you let us know its ok to be childlike and imperfect ... just being to be. and I think we all leave standing taller because of your positive energy and strength of spirit that you give to us each week."

"This weekend I worked at home and at the duplex.  I didn't even get sore.  Yoga helps me SO MUCH. "

"Just thought I would say I can tell a difference from when I came to when I have not.  I was not sure I would like Yoga, a friend who does it liked it so I tried it.  I do like Yoga and you are a great instructor!"

"I had such a great time at yoga today! I have missed coming since my mom was hurt... I have been on FMLA taking care of her and have barely kept my head above water around here! I can see now that I SHOULD have been making your class a priority each week... I have not felt this relaxed and energized since my mom got hurt!! THANK YOU!!"

"yoga was AMAZING today!!! I LOVED it!! I was 3 hours late today... long story and debated on if I had time to come or not and I am so glad I listened to the reasonable part of my brain that said...YOU NEED YOGA!! Thank you for always putting together such great classes for us!! Seriously I don't know how I would survive everything with my family right now if it wasn't for you! Your an angel in yoga pants!!"

"Thank you for all you do to help keep my mental health in check and my life in balance. Thanks for always making my day go better!!"

"btw, I'm loving how I feel after just one class back! I'm sore in places I've never been sore before - great workout! "

"Just wanted to let you know how truly restorative yesterday's yoga session was for me. I have back problems and I really felt good after the session and all through the night last night. Thanks for giving your time to this effort. I appreciate it very much."

My heart is overflowing. Thank you all and thank you yoga. Namaste.