Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some Yoga Zen

Be soft in your practice. Think of the method as a fine silvery stream, not a raging waterfall. Follow the stream, have faith in its course. It will go its own way, meandering here, trickling there. It will find the grooves, the cracks, the crevices. Just follow it. Never let it out of your sight. It will take you.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Undoing

Long time, no post, right? Well, it has been great to take some time off to focus on motherhood. Starting next month I will be teaching some regular classes again on Sundays. It will be wonderful to be back; although, I have kept my toe in through a bunch of subbing. Speaking of, many of you have asked for the song I referenced during my Kosha Restorative week, so I am including the lyrics below.  My favorite part of this song is the Spanish lyrics. Yoga brings to our awareness the idea of being. Constantly doing can prevent us from being able to completely release. Let go of thoughts, let go of the body, let go of the breath, let go in a pose, let go of pain, hurt, tension, grudges, whatever it is you are holding on to. Me suelto en el deshacer. "I let go in the undoing. Winning cannot compare to pure loss." When we wipe the slate clean and remove all the baggage our True self can shine through. I love this idea that winning can mean adding baggage and a pure loss is stripping down. Without all the baggage to block our view there is a potential to see things from a whole new perspective. I look forward to seeing you in class so we can let go, undo, and lose together.

The Undoing

I was on my way
I was on my way to tell you it's no good
I was on my way
Chasing my damage

I was chased, thrilled and altered
Chasing my damage
Because I was chased, thrilled and altered
And it raised me

Suele tener( It's been known)
Me suelto (I let go)
Me suelto en el deshacer (I let go in the undoing)
Al puro perder el ganar no compara (winning cannot compare to pure loss)

I always thought you had great style
And style was worthwhile
Because I was
I was on my way
Sobreviviré (I'll survive)

Chasing my damage
I was chased, thrilled and altered
And it raised me
Chasing my damage
Because I was chased, thrilled and altered
And it raised me

Suele tener
Me suelto
Me suelto en el deshacer
Al puro perder el ganar no compara

Please please the place we're in now
(All night long)
Please please the place we're in now
(All night long)
Please please the place we're in now
Please please the place we're in now