Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Some quotes I have found stashed here and there. I kept them because I felt they were good reminders to read more than once as life ebbs and flows. I thought that a blog would be a great place to keep them stashed for future use. Happy travels and Namaste.

"Taking Responsibility:
Being proactive means more than taking initiative. It means that we take responsibility for our lives. Instead of blaming circumstances, conditions, or chance for our behavior, we choose our own responses and make our own decisions."

"Much of what we call aging is a lifetime of inactivity and poor nutrition."

"This story of Thomas Edison is legendary, where a particular gentleman inquired of the inventor how it felt to have failed so many times in his efforts to produce an electric light bulb. Edison replied that he had not failed at all, but rather he had successfully found thousands of ways how to not make a light bulb. That kind of healthy attitude toward mistakes enabled Edison to make a contribution to the world which rivals that of almost anyone else in history. We learn far more from our losses than we do from our victories. When we lose, we contemplate, we analyze, we regroup, we plan a new strategy. When we win, we simply celebrate, and learn very little. As we often find ourselves working in uncharted areas in our various professions, let us keep in mind that the greatest mistake in life is to be in constant fear that you will make one. "

"The man who has never made a mistake will never make anything else." -Bernard Shaw

"Many of us carry grudges for years and years.
We feel self-righteous because of what someone else did to us.
I call this being stuck in the prison of self-righteous resentment.
We get to be right. We never get to be happy.
Come out of prison and step into the sunshine of life.
Allow yourself to be free.
Let it go."

~ Louise Hay

"The truth always comes out ... I'm not sure why people don't see that in the moment. I can't possibly imagine a lie that is more important than someone's integrity." -- Kristen Taylor