Friday, December 19, 2008

What is Yoga?

The most basic definition of yoga is the word union. The practice of yoga is a personal search to create wholistic health. Yoga is a space to bring the mind, body and spirit into balance. There are many branches of yoga, and many styles within each branch. Physically, yoga can be aerobic, strength-building, and flexibility focused. The physical practice(asana) of yoga, although often the only focus in western culture, was originally created as a preparation for the practice of meditation. Stretching, warming, and strenghtening the body allows it to sit still and focus the mind for longer periods of time. Another practice heavily incorporated in yoga is breath control(pranayama). Breath control has been proven to alter physiological responses in the body and lessen or eliminate pain. A combination of these elements mixed with an intention of presence and awareness promote well-being at a physical, mental, and emotional level.