Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yoga and Stress, Part II

As a Time article I read states: Studies long ago showed that mental and physical health are intertwined and that stress, anxiety and depression can exacerbate such conditions as hypertension and heart disease. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, a professor of psychiatry who studies links between severe stress and health problems states, "There is growing evidence that inflammation is a risk factor for cancer and also for mortality from cancer. And there is lots of evidence that stress enhances inflammation."(TIME A-Z health guide).
Through my many conversations with people about yoga, it seems yoga has become generally accepted in two capacities: its ability to stretch and to relax. What people are less aware of, I think, is how profound an effect that relaxation practice can have on overall health. As stated above, stress causes inflammation. Inflammation of the body leads to a myriad of health issues, as well as worsening current health issues. Stress prevents healing and causes illness. If we don't alleviate stress, how effective will our other health practices be? I invite you to integrate a yoga session or two into your weekly routine. Notice if the practice effects your other activities whether they be running, biking, working, eating. You might notice that practicing relaxation could not only promote physical health, but enhance your ability to enjoy the present moment.


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