Monday, March 21, 2011

Breakfast Shake: Get it all in at Once!

I've never been good at taking my daily multivitamin. They make me gag. Then the rest of the day I am burping up disgusting vitamin taste in my mouth, Ewwwwww. I have finally found a great alternative thanks to the help of my partner in nutrition exploration, Corrie. Corrie introduced me to what I believe is the best tasting nutrition shake I have had. The chocolate flavor is rich and full, and the shake itself  is one of the most nutrient dense I have seen, right up there with the Alive! brand powders( but soooo much better tasting). I will not deny that it is more expensive than other shakes out there but no more than what i've been paying for a tasty coffee drink from a cafe, and if you use it as a meal replacement it is quite a deal. It also comes with some recipes for a pie, cookies, and different shake combinations. Corrie gave me this great container you can order with the shake that has a grated top so that you can pour your milk in the cup, then add the powder, shake shake shake, and there's your shake. For some reason that makes it a lot easier for me to make and drink, knowing I don't have to use and wash the blender. A serving of the powder is 160 calories. I add either unsweetened coconut or almond milk which is only 40-50 calories a cup. Eat some fruit, protein or veggies with that and you've got a great start to the day right there, but I add more.

The best multivitamin I have found is the Raw One for Women(they have one for men too) Capsules. The capsules are the least flavorful(in a good way), and best combo of vitamin/minerals I have found. I have vitamin D deficiency issues and just one capsule contains 1000 iu's, and 200% daily folate to boot. One of the greatest aspects to this vitamin is that it is a powder inside of a clear capsule. Instead of swallowing it like a pill, I open the capsule and dump the contents into my shake, and then I can't taste it at all. I have never been better at taking my daily vitamins.

The last thing Corrie showed me that is a great addition to the shake when I want to change up the flavor is powdered peanut butter. For those of you that love peanut butter but don't want all the fat and calories, this stuff is only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons. Regular peanut butter is 190 calories per 2 tablespoons. You can also use it like traditional peanut butter by adding water. They have a chocolate flavor I haven't tried yet, but knowing my love of chocolate, it'll probably be a hit.

I have loved having this new treat every day. I feel healthier. I hope some of you can benefit from it as well!


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