Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excerpt from The Thinking Body by Mabel Elsworth Todd

"In order to come into balance we have to stand astride several worlds. We have to be able to feel at the same time as thinking, accept at the same time as judging, receive at the same time as giving. We have the opportunity to live in a state of antagonistic flow, balancing all the contradictions that make up our reality. We are all perfect just as we are, and we are all very imperfect, and that's perfect. Instead of opting for one side of the contradiction and letting the other ossify, and be projected onto the outside world, we can sit in the middle of our conflicts and learn to balance the different energies, and in doing so the conflicts become less extreme, our judgements become less harsh, we discover an inner dynamic equilibrium that does not create stillness at the expense of suppression of important parts of us, but finds a harmony in difference. This is peace. It is an inner liveliness, not a static inertia. It is the balance of life and death, light and dark, the goddess and the monster. By owning our own monsters we need not create external monsters. If we accept our internal wars, and let them come to rest, we may not need to create external ones."

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