Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thoughts and Stuff while on a cruise:

1. You know when you get a medication and it has a long list of possible side effects that you hardly pay attention to because those side effects apply to the .05% of the population that isn't you. Well, I was a part of that .05%. I tried motion sickness patches while on the week long cruise, and poor Rich had to deal with me that whole week while I had no short term memory. I was tired, out of it, and had the blurry vision it warned about that made it hard to read. Therefore I learned that...
2. Cruises are not my bag. I'd rather fly to a location and stay there, as opposed to being stuck on a rocking boat for days. Even when you get off the boat, everything keeps rocking, this computer is rocking as I type. Somebody stop the rocking!
3. Polygamists go on cruises too.
4. The food isn't all that great, but snuggling in bed with nothing to do for a week was grand.
5. I am not too claustrophobic. I was very happy to stay in my dark dungeon state room the whole time, but I think many would have had anxiety attacks(I think you wouldn't like it mom.)
6. Grand Turk was my favorite stop off. Warm beach and sand. Well, Virgin Islands ended up being cold and rainy and we couldn't even stop off at Half Moon Cay due to gale force winds. So all we had was Grand Turk and Puerto Rico to explore.
7. I want to watch a bunch of Esther Williams films, anyone have some I could borrow?
8. My body is ready to be physically still for a while, but it will have to wait until Tuesday.
9. I did see dolphins while at sea.
10. It is hard to be home, after flying from the east coast, just to turn around in a couple hours and fly back. So tempting to crawl home to bed. But I will perservere, especially with words of encouragement, text me!

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