Sunday, January 9, 2011

15 Things I Pondered at Disney World:

1. No matter how you enter, you always exit in a different place(this goes for the soul and the street.)

2. The Pirates say "Dead Men Tell No Tales", so while your still tickin' live life to the fullest and create some great stories to share.

3. As Dave Clark quoted from a former president, "Planning is everything, but the plan is nothing." It is good to have an idea of what you'd like to have happen, but you never know what life will throw into the mix so it is important to be flexible and keep the plan dynamic to save a lot of suffering.

4. I want a pet cat-goat, "Bleeeowwwwwt."

5. It's all relative. And there's a clever pun if I ever saw one, being a family trip and all. Our world is made up by our experiences in relation to our perception of those experiences. People are more comfortable when they know what to expect. Previous experience dictates their current actions. The trouble that can come is pulling in the worst possible scenarios from the past to create fear in the present. Little kids are a great example. They don't have a lot of experience, everything is a big unknown, so they either go for anything because their short past has shown them there is nothing to fear, or they fear everything cause they have no experience telling them it's no big deal. What am I talkin' about little kids, I still get nervous on a new ride, I just think I am better at not crying and saying 'I want my mommy!'

6. Doesn't matter how you peel it, watching someone eat a frozen banana is hot.(Rich told me to write that.)

7. When I think a line is too long or my feet are too tired, I remember that it is 70 degrees and sunny, I am with great people eating tasty snacks, and I am very very very lucky to even be able to be here.

8. Relativity again, the ridiculous (not the boggart spell) lines at Harry Potter helped me appreciate the complete lack of lines at Magic Kingdom even more. Experiencing the 'bad' helps one appreciate the 'good'. If we didn't go through the 'bad', we'd have no frame of reference. Even so, i think in this country, our frames are hung pretty high in comparison to the life most people in the world live.

9. I put quotes around 'bad' and 'good' cause I don't think they truly exist.

10. I do, on the other hand, believe that wizards, fairies, brownies and sprites exist, just maybe not in the way that Disney says they exist, more in a good at video games gender specific tasty treat kinda way.

11.You can have your dream come true, maybe I wished upon a star, and by star I don't mean Johnny Depp, although I'd share me booty with him any day, but by dream I mean finding the person that compliments me perfectly. After being in half a dozen serious relationships that never felt right and wondering if my expectations were too high and if I should just learn to settle, I finally am with the person who not only meets my ideal, but far surpasses it. With him there is no doubt, no question, no disconnect. For the first time I feel with complete confidence that he is my other, the person to be a witness to my life and who can share a grander view of the world with me( he is 10 inches taller.)

12. Captain Eo was as awesome now as it was 25 years ago.

13. The Yoga Sutras say that aggression and avoidance are two paths toward suffering. A harmonious path is neither purposely causing pain nor avoiding pain to the point that it simply perpetuates suffering. I am getting better at learning not to purposely aggravate my motion sickness to satisfy my ego, but to also not completely avoid an experience for fear of what may happen. In the end, the fear is almost always worse that the actual outcome. And even though I got a little queasy I rode a hippogriff and helped spiderman defeat his enemies!

14. Disney marketing is brilliant. They create magic that you want to take home with you, and so they package it for purchase, but when you get home you quickly realize the item you purchased cannot contain the magic of the experieince, it is the mind that can do that, so instead Rich and I took pictures of the things that called for us to buy them, and then we didn't spend a bunch of money on stuff that would end up junk in a box.

15. There is an internal pressure on the last point to say something super profound to wrap it all up, but all I really want to say is that I spent 7 days with 21 in-laws and it felt like being home. I couldn't think of a better family to have spent a week with in Disneyworld. This experience has shown me the wealth of love and human connection I have in my life. Thank you all for sharing your life with me and inspiring me everday with your interactions. Namaste.

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