Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Month of Eat Pray Love

For those of you that haven't read Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, it is about her taking a year to rediscover herself. She spends 4 months in Italy, India, and Indonesia. During that time she revives her passion for living, her awareness of self, and her ability to love others. I am hoping this next month will prove to be a mini-version of that experience for me.

I start my journey with family. Experiencing the chaotic world of children and Disney. As my mother-in-law put it, and very well I might add, this is an opportunity to bring a bunch of different personalities together and draw from their strengths to create a wonderful and memorable vacation that meets the needs of all. I am excited to spend a week with a group of people I look to often for inspiration and perspective. Having children around reignites the magic, and getting to see the parks through their eyes will be like belieiving in the Easter Bunny again. Perhaps I will find a way to bring that magic into everyday living a little bit more.

As the family returns home, Rich and I head to the cruise ship for a week of total relaxation. The practice of doing absolutely nothing and enjoying it. I plan to mostly sleep, eat, read, and lay around. Not only rejuvenating after a week of themeparks, but great preparation for intense physical and mental practice. Often times, in those moments of quiet, that is where the greatest journey, the journey of the spirit- can be known.

Finally, Rich returns home, and I continue on- flying first into Dubai, and then into India. To the state of Kerala on the southwest side. There I will spend 10 days at an Ayurvedic retreat. In sanskrit Ayurveda means "The Complete Knowledge for Long Life." It is a wholistic approach to health. I will be meeting with an Indian doctor to discuss my constitution and dinacharya(daily habits/schedule). The doctor will recommend herbs to take, food to eat, exercises to do, habits to change, based off of the constitution he diagnoses. The week will consist of massages, treatments, yoga, and meditation. I will have private sessions with both the doctor and the host of the retreat, a yoga master. I know this part of my journey will be the greatest challenge. I will be away from Rich for two weeks, and I will be spending the time working on me, which in my opinion can be the most challenging thing one can do. Yet, I am excited to be a student again. I have been out of balance in my role as teacher, and only through being a student also, can one progress as a teacher.

Through all of this I hope to deepen the harmony within myself and throughout my life, I hope to take what I have learned and bring it back to share with all of you. I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of my life, shared their wisdom, and helped me grow. I am truly lucky. Namaste.

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